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Fri Apr 20 09:20:06 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to seven. High of fifty-four and sunny today. Stopped at Starbucks on my way in to work. Work: - Follow-up with Roger about FL accounting data Done. - Remember to change backup cartridge Done. Scott decided to take to day off. Fifteen-minute walk at lunch. Saw a turkey vulture, and the thin crescent moon. Warm enough to walk in my t-shirt. Home: - Play with a D&D thing > I noticed a lot of pensioner-volunteers just passing time, helping tourists find their way. Sometimes they also help directing traffic in and out of parking lots or construction sites. There are plenty of caretakers and _minders_ of all things. > In Tokyo, everything seems to have a face. I'm a huge fan of character design, smiley faces and just putting faces on objects in general. In this sense, Tokyo was a paradise right up my alley, by far the best signage and graphics I've seen anywhere. I don't know where it comes from, but I'd guess a tendency of humanizing and personifying objects might stem from earlier animist traditions and religions. Pretending - or acting - as if everything had personhood feels strangely primal and makes you care more about your surroundings. > This trick is applicable to more than the block. To treat the whole range of as assigned locally, run: >> ip route add local dev lo > Following this, you can bind to port 8080 on one of these IP addresses just fine: >> nc -l 8080 Oh, the iptables `nth` mode is very cool too. Simulate packet loss: # iptables -t filter -I INPUT --destination -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request --match statistic --mode nth --every 10 --packet 0 -j DROP Breakfast: cafe latte, Gouda and bacon sandwich Lunch: Thai noodles, coffee Dinner:

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