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Thu Apr 19 09:19:19 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to six without waking. High of forty-two and partly sunny today. Stopped at Starbucks on my way into work. Work: - 10 AM manager meeting Done. - 2 PM disassemble Hazel Park servers Done. Secretary's Day lunch. Catering by Panera. Twenty-five-minute walk after lunch. Mostly clear and very bright blue day. Saw a turkey vulture, heard a wookpecker, and saw glowingly, almost supernaturally tropical organge-red scarlet tanager(?). Went to Hazel Park Raceway. Uneventful, but a little sad. Saw Rachel, Mike Stommen, Kathy Deluge, and Gayle. Tomorrow's the last day. Demolition is scheduled for Saturday. Home: Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and egg sandwich Lunch: sandwich, soup, salad, cookies Dinner: ice cream

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