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Wed Nov 29 09:34:27 EST 2017 Slept from ten-thirty to seven. Woke briefly around five. Forty-three and sunny today. Work: - Check on HZ backup Done. - Help Scott pull old server from rack Done. - Label new SSD's in Zol Done. - Check on mdadm RAID reporting Done. - Review invoices Done. - Work on MECS No. Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Nice out, but not a glorious and warm as yesterday. Saw a trio of crows. Did a fresh install of Debian of Zol, with its new SSD RAID 10. Home: - Go study Done. - Wait, does i3lock lock after resume from suspend? I probably need to make it happen. Done. Stopped on my way home from work to pick up a few groceries at Target. I created `$HOME/.config/systemd/user/sleeplock.service`: [Unit] Description=Lock the screen for suspend/wake [Service] Type=forking Environment=DISPLAY=:1 ExecStart=/usr/bin/i3lock -e -f [Install] And: $ systemctl --user daemon-reload $ systemctl --user enable sleeplock $ systemctl --user status sleeplock Note: double-check your value of $DISPLAY (is it ":0" or ":1"?). Unfortunately, the above unit never runs. Why? > is specific to system services. The reason is, is not a magic target that automatically gets activated when going to sleep. It's just a regular target that puts the system to sleep – so the 'user' instances of course won't have an equivalent. (And unfortunately the 'user' instances currently have no way to depend on systemwide services.) Well, that's annoying. Instead: # apt-get install xss-lock $ xss-lock /usr/bin/i3lock & That works. I added `xss-lock $HOME/bin/xlock &` to my `.xsession`. Breakfast: sausage and egg sandwich, cafe latte Lunch: falafel bowl, coffee Dinner: carrots, chips

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