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Sat Nov 9 06:00:01 EST 2019 Slept from eleven to eight without waking. Mostly cloudy. Southwest winds around 10 mph. Did two Beano tablets eliminate gas from the gyro with extra garlic sauce I ate yesterday? Mostly — enough that I got a good night's sleep. Try three tablets next time? Still playing with LXQt. It's still OK. Been using Guake too, largely to fill in for dmenu. Mildly curious about KDE "activities". They're somewhat pulled into LXQt (using kwin) but not in a usable way? Try terminal background color #241C1C instead of #2A2A2A? Or #363232 for a less dramatic change? Or #251C1C for even richer chocolate? Nah, stick with #241C1C. Had to set `gtk-primary-button-warps-slider=0` again in `~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini`. Decided to give KDE another shot. ``` # apt install kde-plasma-desktop ``` It's fine too, I guess. LXQt makes many of my preferences its only options, but KDE allows those preferences too. At some point, something set my default GTK font to "Abydos". For fuck's sake. ``` 🐚 bava ~/.config $ grep -r -i 'abydos' ./* | tail -1 ./gtk-3.0/settings.ini:gtk-font-name=Abydos Regular 10 ``` Vacuumed, watered plants, dusted. Twenty-minute walk in the early evening. Moon will be full in a few days. Golden sunset. Read a few more pages of Redwall. Watched some anime. Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 4/2, meat 0/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: cucumber, banana, a beer Lunch: a beer, coffee, carrots, pierogi Afternoon snack: pineapple Dinner: chips, quesadilla 125/79

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