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Wed Jun 5 09:26:17 EDT 2019 Slept from ten to six-thirty. Woke briefly once in the night. High of seventy-nine and thunderstorms today. Work: - Continue work on list of potential software vendors Done. - Review invoices Partially done. Ten-minute walk at lunch after I got back from Meijer. Humid, and it rained on me a little. Saw a turnkey vulture. Home: - Buy stock Done. - Pick up prescription, grocery shop at Meijer Done. - Remember to take home groceries Done. Fifteen-minute walk after I got home from work. Autobiographical comic strip: ``` EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING DOORSTEP PANEL ONE PAUL peers at a sky full of darkly pregnant clouds. PAUL (thought): Another walk? A few minutes before it rains again? PANEL TWO PAUL observes a father and daughter walking to a pool where two others already swim. PAUL (thought): What about lightning?! I should say something. No, mind your own business. Is the pool and lightning thing even a realistic risk? PANEL THREE Later, PAUL sits in front of computer web searching. PAUL (thought): The risk is unclear, but probably low. ``` Man, that's boring. Read a few more pages of Gormenghast. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0.5/0.5 Breakfast: pretzel, orange Brunch: migas, cucumber, coffee Lunch: doughnut, banana, carrots Afternoon snack: coffee Dinner: bread and butter, baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw 117/69

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