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Wed Apr 10 09:31:01 EDT 2019 Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty. Woke briefly around five. High of forty-eight and mostly cloudy today. Work: - Run Cat6 to Bob's office Done. - Email Alltronics a reminder about gear pick-up Done. - Finish GRUB stuff for hypervisors Mostly done. Set up what should be a fairly amusing prank. Ran a network cable and put a phone in the ceiling over Bob's desk, with extensions mapped to novelty ringtones. He'll be back in the office tomorrow. Bought groceries at Meijer during lunch. ``` #!/bin/sh set -euf f=$(/bin/lsblk /dev/sdf1 -o PARTUUID -n) e=$(/bin/lsblk /dev/sde1 -o PARTUUID -n) d=$(/bin/lsblk /dev/sdd1 -o PARTUUID -n) c=$(/bin/lsblk /dev/sdc1 -o PARTUUID -n) b=$(/bin/lsblk /dev/sdb1 -o PARTUUID -n) a=$(/bin/lsblk /dev/sda1 -o PARTUUID -n) cf=$(echo "$f" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut --characters=-8 | /usr/bin/rev) ce=$(echo "$e" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut --characters=-8 | /usr/bin/rev) cd=$(echo "$d" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut --characters=-8 | /usr/bin/rev) cc=$(echo "$c" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut --characters=-8 | /usr/bin/rev) cb=$(echo "$b" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut --characters=-8 | /usr/bin/rev) ca=$(echo "$a" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut --characters=-8 | /usr/bin/rev) mkdir -p /boot/efi umount /boot/efi mount PARTUUID="$f" /boot/efi /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck --bootloader-id=debian-"$cf" PARTUUID="$f" umount /boot/efi mount PARTUUID="$e" /boot/efi /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck --bootloader-id=debian-"$ce" PARTUUID="$e" umount /boot/efi mount PARTUUID="$d" /boot/efi /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck --bootloader-id=debian-"$cd" PARTUUID="$d" umount /boot/efi mount PARTUUID="$c" /boot/efi /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck --bootloader-id=debian-"$cc" PARTUUID="$c" umount /boot/efi mount PARTUUID="$b" /boot/efi /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck --bootloader-id=debian-"$cb" PARTUUID="$b" umount /boot/efi mount PARTUUID="$a" /boot/efi /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck --bootloader-id=debian-"$ca" PARTUUID="$a" /usr/sbin/update-grub ``` Home: - Grocery Done. - Buy stock No. - Call mom to ask about her stress test Done. Fifteen-minute walk after I got home from work. Cloudy but not cold. Saw a sharp-shinned hawk perched outside the Huntley leasing office, ripping apart some small creature. Started watching Occult Academy on Crunchyroll. So far: funny and bad-ass. Chatted with Jay and Ed on Signal. Servings: grains 3/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 1/2, meat 3/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: migas, mandarin, carrots, tomato, coffee, coffee Lunch: doughnut, yogurt, banana, tomato Afternoon snack: coffee Dinner: tomato, chicken breast, mandarin 128/76

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