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Tue Apr 2 10:08:57 EDT 2019
Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty.
High of fifty-four today and partly sunny.
Saw a duck and several seagulls on my way to work.
- Order TV for conference room
- Set up cron jobs, esp. backup on workstation
- Wrap up Mizzen install
- Review invoices
- Mail Alltronics about PO numbers, gear pickup
Half-hour walk in the afternoon.
Saw a couple Canada geese, a blue jay, robins, a seagull, and a turkey vulture.
- Work on Go image stuff
A bit.
- Go to bed early
Forty-five minute walk after I got home from work.
Saw a pair of red-winged blackbirds, a red-tailed hawk, a turkey vulture, and heard a morning dove.
Been a while since I walked through Beverly Park.
The woods are decimated.
The city (?) shredded the undergrowth and young trees — anything with a trunk smaller than about eight inches.
Looks like it was hit by a tornado.
Talked to mom for a few minutes.
She's still car shopping.
Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 4/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 2/2, meat 5/3, nuts 0/0.5
Breakfast: migas, cucumber, carrots, tomato, mandarin, banana, coffee
Lunch: yogurt, carrots, apple, grapefruit
Afternoon snack: coffee, bagel with cream cheese
Dinner: tacos, avocado
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