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Sat 19 Jan 2019 08:24:00 AM EST Slept from midnight to seven without waking. Snow! A half-inch fell overnight. High of twenty-three today, and up to two more inches of snow. Goals: - Run backups Done. - Clean apartment a little Done. - Play some Moonlighter or Stardew Valley? - Go to bed by eleven. Tidied, cleaned out fridge, watered plants, vacuumed, changed sheets, took out trash, etc. Read My Boyfriend Is A Bear. A charming comic. Twenty-minute walk in the early evening. Although the winds blowing it around a lot, we seem to have gotten roughly the predicted two inches of snow — our first real snow of the winter. Eclipse tonight, but it's too cloudy to see here. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 2/2, meat 0/3, nuts 2/0.5 Breakfast: carrots, cucumber, banana, orange, coffee, peanut butter and jelly sandwich Lunch: bread with Swiss cheese, apple Dinner: cookies, beans and rice with tomatoes and peppers and onion 142/93

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