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Mon Oct 8 09:21:38 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to seven. Woke briefly around five. Foggy. High of eighty. Goals: - Check the mail for bank card and car paperwork Done. Card arrived, but the paperwork did not. - Handle U-Con event reschedule Done. SUN 2p - Call of Catthulhu: The White Stag (8892) - Read Done. Read a few more chapters of the Bob Woodward book. Tried using Gnome for a while with all extensions disabled, embracing its workflow. The window switcher (Alt-Tab, Alt-backtick) is good(?), but I wish it indicated the workspace number of each window. Oh, this is ugly, though: The fix is OK, but doesn't seem to have made it into the version of Gnome on Debian. Ah, Alt-Esc seems to switch "window-only" in default Gnome. No, after further use, having to drill-down with Alt-backtick after doing Alt-Tab sucks, and Alt-Esc isn't an adequate substitute. The Alternatetab extension flattens the Alt-Tab list (although, unfortunately, it only labels the window selected). Think I'll have to give up on this Gnome 3 test. It's better than I thought, but still not productive enough, even when I'm willing to change my workflow. Watched Hold the Dark on Netflix. A little slow, but good. Mysterious, but straightforward in the telling. A fairy tale? > Google’s post said the API failures came to light through a review dubbed Project Strobe. It analyzed third-party developers’ access to Google account and Android device data to measure whether permissions were overly broad. One of the four findings was that Google+ faced “significant challenges” in meeting users’ privacy expectations. As a result (and because of the relatively low engagement shown by Google+ users in the seven years since the service was introduced), Google plans to retire it to consumers. Over the next 10 months, it will be gradually phased out. Google will continue to make Google+ available to enterprise users. The lesson here is the same one we've learned over and over from Google: don't rely on any of their products. I'll miss G+ as a central place for D&D people. Watched some anime. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 3/2, protein 2/3. Breakfast: apple, carrots, coffee Lunch: pasta with tomato and onion, spinach Dinner: medium pizza 142/93

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