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Mon Aug 6 09:31:35 EDT 2018 Slept from midnight to eight. Woke briefly around six. High of eighty-nine today. Work: - SFTP test on Storage Some. - Review invoices Done. Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Hot. Saw a monarch butterfly. Home: - Play with D&D stuff Done. - Go to bed not late Huh. Setting `screen` as the terminal type in tmux and vim leaves a lot of whitespace on lines copied into the X primary buffer. Setting the terminal type to `xterm-256color` fixes it. `screen.gnome` seems OK too (I'm using Gnome Terminal). Debian has `tmux` and `tmux-256color` terminfo files, but CentOS 7 does not. $ /usr/share/terminfo/ In `.vimrc`: ``` set ttymouse=xterm2 set mouse=a ``` In `.tmux.conf`: set -g mode-mouse on We can still do SHIFT+Select to do local terminal selection. I wish there was a to populate the clipboards from vim over ssh, but I guess there's no mechanism to do so.... (Maybe if the remote box runs X and sshd allows X forwarding?) > Installing `xclip` will bring along some dependencies like `x11-common`, but don't worry, you don't need to run an X server on the server. `xauth` is also needed. Still, it's a mess, and not very secure. Lunch: cafe latte, salad, cookie Dinner: Italian sub, fries

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