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Sun Jul 22 09:05:38 EDT 2018 Slept from two (?) to eight. Took a long enough nap yesterday that I feel fully rested. High of seventy-three and rain today. Goals: - Host D&D Done. > SuperQue 2 points · 1 minute ago > > I've done similar dumps like this to hdfs. The only difference we did was to use lz4c rather than xz to get line-rate compression. Didn't compress as well, but wasn't cpu bound. > > > northrupthebandgeek 4 points · 5 hours ago > > > > OpenSSL works reasonably well for this; openssl enc -aes-256-cbc will encrypt, and adding -d will decrypt. You can specify -in and -out if you want to write to a file, but these are also handy as part of pipelines in your backup scripts. For example (illustrative; I'm probably missing something): > > > > pg_dumpall -c | xz | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k $SSLPASSWORD | s3cmd put - s3://$S3BUCKET/$S3KEY Played a little Steamworld Heist and some Celeste. Lunch: coffee, chicken pot pie Dinner: frozen pizza

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