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Thu Dec 14 09:12:32 EST 2017
Slept from ten-something to six-something. Woke briefly around two.
High of twenty today. 20% chance of scattered snow.
Despite last night's heavy snow, I left the house early enough to stop at Starbucks.
- Check on Streamline and DNS (hz-pdc and Hamish) at Hazel Park
- Follow-up on lingering Patch Tuesday issues
- Update Yardi PO approvers for Julie
- Work on MECS
A bit.
From #asterisk IRC:
<Penguin> How can I execute a script and pass args when a new voicemail is left in mailboxes?
<MrTAP> ; If you need to have an external program, i.e. /usr/bin/myapp called when a voicemail is left, delivered, or your voicemailbox is checked, uncomment this.
<MrTAP> ;externnotify=/usr/bin/myapp
<[TK]D-Fender> yup
<Penguin> That takes args?
<Penguin> Where can I find the documentation on how to use that? The comment isn't exactly helpful.
<MrTAP> it should pass some args by default to tell you which mailbox etc
<MrTAP> try it and find out
<MrTAP> or search the code for externnotify in apps/app_voicemail.c to find out exactly what it does
<[TK]D-Fender> You could also parse out what gts passed to the e-mail app in the smple config
<[TK]D-Fender> you have access to a certain number of fields. Not sure if you can any beyond the basics or not
<[TK]D-Fender> Should be an easy test
<Penguin> Maybe I can hijack the email thing to send the email and run my script. The variables for the email are what I need to pass to the script anyway.
Hmm. I think I had considered `externnotify` as a trigger for MECS, but discounted it.
I can't remember exactly, but it's probably still more robust in the long run to have the daemon watch the directories.
The netcat `-z` flag is a nice little trick to check for a listening service on a port:
--- falstaff ~ % nc -z 3001; echo $?
--- falstaff ~ % nc -z 443; echo $?
Twenty-minute walk at lunch.
Blue sky, sun, powdery snow. Not too cold.
Saw a blue jay, a couple of high-flying seagulls, and an enormous hawk.
- Grocery
Fuck Adjit Pai.
Watched the new Curse of Oak Island episode.
Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and egg sandwich
Lunch: nuts
Dinner: turkey sub, chips
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