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Tue Jul 25 09:12:10 EDT 2017 Slept from twelve-thirty to seven-thirty. Woke briefly around five. Sunny today. High of seventy-eight. Work: - Check on backup times Done. - Set up for video conference in training center Done. Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Saw several dragonflies and black grasshoppers and a white butterfly. Home: - Car oil change Done. - Start Nanook runbook Done. - Start writing Nanook backup job Done. nanook From the Dalluhn Manuscript: > The prime object of Magic-Users, depending on individual preference, is to either form or head their own Guild or Fellowship, or to go off somewhere to brood and study in a tower. Vacuumed. Watched some Netflix. -- nanook ~ $ cat bin/ #!/bin/sh set -euf find /etc /root /home /var/cron /var/www \( -path /home/paulgorman/backup-nanook.tar.xz -o -path /home/paulgorman/Books -prune -o -type f -print \) | pax -w -s ',^/,,' | xz > /home/paulgorman/backup-nanook.tar.xz # # List files in the archive like: # xzcat backup-nanook.tar.xz | pax Lunch: carrots, peanut butter and jelly, an apple, coffee Dinner: Philly cheesesteak

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