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Sun Jul 23 09:37:55 EDT 2017 Slept from before ten until around nine, but laid awake from three to six. High of eighty-four. Chance of thunderstorms. Goals: - Start notes on docker Done. - Start notes about linux virtual networking Done. Full system containers, like LXC, seem way more generally useful than single-app containers, like Docker. Maybe I'm not groking some important advantage of Docker, or maybe it's just the type of problems I work on. Shoot, how did I forget about `man -K foo`? Full text search of man pages. Watched Beyond the Gates on Netflix. Fun. 80's flavor. Made me miss good video stores. Wiped down the kitchen and bathroom counters. Thinking about the RHCSA/RHCE exams (not that I really plan to take them, but...) has me reconsidering the wisdom of a highly customized environment. Exams aside, just using other, non-customized boxes should not feel alien. What are the minimum configuration I can tolerate on daily basis? Minimal .tmux.conf: set-option -g prefix C-a bind-key C-a send-prefix Minimal .vimrc: set nocompatible set laststatus=2 set statusline=%p%%\ \ %l\/%L\ \ %F set wildmenu set hidden syntax off set nohlsearch nocursorline nonu nornu nolist nmap <Leader>h :set hlsearch! cursorline!<CR> nmap <Leader>n :set nu! rnu! list!<CR> I suppose, in a pinch, I could get by with just `set nocompatible`. Minimal .bashrc: export PS1='\[\033[7m\]--- \h \W \$ \[\033[00m\] ' export PAGER='less' xport PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH export EDITOR=vim export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace HISTIGNORE="?:??:exit:pwd:clear" HISTSIZE=1000 HISTFILESIZE=2000 shopt -s histappend cmdhist histreedit cdspell checkwinsize alias mv='mv -i' alias l='ls -F' alias ll='ls -Flhi' alias la='ls -AF' alias h='history 35 | sort -k2 | uniq -f1 | sort -bn' I do feel like I could easily ditch zsh for bash. Fifteen-minute walk in the evening. Lunch: carrots, coffee, macaroni Dinner: left-over pizza, mango icecream

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