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Wed Jul 19 09:32:50 EDT 2017 Slept from eleven to seven. High of eighty-five today. 30% chance of thunderstorms. Work: - Check on backups Done. - Further vm migration testing Done. Like freakin' magic. Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Hot. Saw a rabbit and a grasshopper. Cicadas sang. Home: - Fix tmux config Done. - Order shirts Done. Huh. USB-3.0 and USB-C are interrupt-driven and support DMA. In theory, USB NIC's don't _have_ to suck anymore. The ASIX AX88179 chipsets looks good. Supported on linux and the BSD's. Read a chapter of Three Musketeers. Lunch: apple, peanut butter and jelly, carrots, spinach, coffee Dinner: pizza

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