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Fri Jul 14 06:56:45 EDT 2017 Slept from ten to six-thirty without waking. High of seventy-nine and mostly cloudy today. Work: - Review Asterisk high availability Done. - Record root passwords for hypervisors Done. - CIFS mount on firefly No. - Scott's review Done. Fifteen minute walk at lunch. Hot, but not as humid. Saw a couple of little white butterflies and a couple of dragonflies. Home: - Schedule oil change Done. Tuesday the 25th at 11 AM. - Firm-up D&D plans for this weekend Done. - Order new Lulu proofs of Danger Jaunt Done. - 6:30 dinner with Yvonne, Kate, et all Done. I'm hosting D&D on Sunday. $ find /home/paulgorman/Music/ -type f -iname \*.flac > ~/tmp/playlist.txt $ mplayer -shuffle -playlist ~/tmp/playlist.txt Dinner at Norm's with Yvonne, Kate, Isla, and Hardy. Stopped at Starr Park on the way home for a fifteen-minute walk among the oaks. Got home early enough to vacuum and do a load of laundry. A productive day. Lunch: coffee, Thai seafood Dinner: salad, pizza

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