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Fri Nov 4 07:25:24 EDT 2016 Slept from ten-something to six-thirty without waking. Mostly sunny and high of fifty-four today. Saw three crows on my drive in to work. Goals: Work: - Follow up on hotspot for Central Done. - Update CL market rents Done. - Look at some kind of Cacti/RRD solution Done. MRTG, Cacti, collectd/Graphite? Collectd is highly recommended, but Graphite tooks like too much of a pain in the ass to install. But half the front-ends are abandoned or alpha-quality or both. Collection3 seems to be a safe and easy (if unexciting) option. - Email CC buyers about phones/internet transition No. Twenty minute walk at lunch. Beautiful, sunny day. Fluffy white clouds. Trees with green leaves are fewer and fewer. Home: - Work on math refresher (move to markdown/Pandoc?) Twenty minute walk after work. Still a pretty day. Sliver of moon in the blue sky. This reminds me of Borges. Kafka in "Parables and Paradoxes": > Leopards break into the temple and drink to the dregs what is in the sacrificial pitchers; this is repeated over and over again; finally it can be calculated in advance, and it becomes part of the ceremony. Breakfast: carrots, spinach, yogurt with berries, coffee with half-and-half Lunch: salad Dinner: pizza

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