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Wed Sep 7 07:39:58 EDT 2016 Left from around 11:30 to seven. High of ninety-one. Sixty percent chance of rain, most likely in the afternoon or evening. They're tearing down and rebuilding my balcony today. I don't blame the guys for getting started early, but --- damn! --- they're loud. Still, it will be nice to have a new balcony. The old one is so decrepit that I haven't used it in a couple of years. Goals: Work: - What's going on at Hazel Park? Done. Downed utility pole. No power. - Set up phone packet capture Done. - Review invoices Done. Twenty minute walk at lunch. Pretty muggy out. Heard crickets (but didn't notice any cicadas?). Saw a little white butterfly, a dragonfly, and one of those black-gray flying crickets. It rained a little around 3:30. Hmm. The software RAID on our pfSense box seems to have misplaced a drive. Home: - Review No. Tinkered with static site generator. Breakfast: mixed greens, carrots, yogurt, coffee with half-and-half Lunch: mixed nuts Dinner: Tubby's steak and mushroom sub, fries

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