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Mon Aug 29 07:35:00 EDT 2016
Slept from around 11:30 to seven.
High of eighty-four and mostly sunny.
- Finish nameserver project
It's working great. Nice.
Hmph. The apparently correct way to restart a service from the command line on pfSense:
pfSsh.php playback svc restart unbound
(That's `/usr/local/sbin/pfSsh.php`.)
Added whitelisting to dns filtering. After curling the whitelist, use another `sort | unique` with the `-u` flag:
if [ -s /tmp/dg-ads.acl -a -s /tmp/dg-malicious.acl -a -s /tmp/dg-porn.acl -a -e /tmp/dns_whitelist ]
cat /tmp/dg-ads.acl /tmp/dg-malicious.acl /tmp/dg-porn.acl | sort | uniq \
| cat - /tmp/dns_whitelist /tmp/dns_whitelist | sort | uniq -u \
| awk '{if(substr($1, 0, 1) != "#") print "local-zone: \""$1"\" refuse"}' \
| sed '1 i\
' > /var/unbound/conf.d/blacklist.conf
Note that `uniq` merges two or more subsequent identical lines; we specify the whitelist twice (`cat - /tmp/dns_whitelist /tmp/dns_whitelist`) so that items found only in the whitelist are never unique.
- Work on a D&D thing
"The nature of D&D with its emphasis on micro-site exploration and granular personal advancement just plain makes it better suited and more enjoyable to play a petty wanna-be lordling clearing a fragile hold in a vast and hostile wilderness or the mayfly life of a warband chief than it is to be even a lowly baron stuck with the static play (and bean-counting) of rulership."
Stopped to pick up a few things at the grocery on the way home.
Took a twenty minute walk to make up for skipping my lunch-hour walk.
I may go to bed a little early tonight.
Breakfast: coffee with half-and-half, carrots, yogurt
Lunch: Thai food
Dinner: taquitos
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