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Tue Jul 12 07:35:58 EDT 2016 Slept from 10:30 to six, without waking. Sunny today. High of ninty-three. Thinking about switching from spaces to tabs, and changing tabwidths from 4 to 8. It would mean doing a lot of ":retab! 4" on old files. Goals: Work: - Hit up irc about Asterisk private IP issue Done. Didn't get any help. I'm fairly convinced at this point that we've hit an Asterisk bug. - Remember to get Scott to sign his review, and send it to Jamie Done. Twenty minute walk at lunch. Saw a seagull. Captured a couple of Pokemon. Home: - Fuck around with .vimrc and code styles more Done. - Go to bed a little early Eh. Eleven. Took a fifteen minute walk after work. Hot but pleasantly windy. The moon was out, faint and high in the blue sky. Called dad. Talked to him for a while. Breakfast: mixed greens, carrots, coffee with half-and-half, yogurt with berries Lunch: a handful of nuts, iced chai tea Dinner: sandwich and fries

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