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Fri Jul 8 07:54:58 EDT 2016 Slept from around eleven to seven without waking. I feel pretty good this morning. Partly sunny. High of eighty-nine. Forty percent chance of thunderstorms after noon. Goals: Work: - Scott's performance review Done. - Conference call with Hazel Park re more bandwidth Done. We agree a cable modem would be OK. - They will fax or email a copy of the Bullseye invoice. - Once I have the invoice, I will contact Bullseye about: - changing the T1 contract to cable modem - getting Comcast out for a site survey as soon as possible - Update Cass Lake rents Done. - Finish Huntley office rewire Done. Fifteen minute walk at lunch, not counting the five minutes I spent at Starbucks buying an iced chai. A sunny, hot, and humid day. I don't know if it's because it rained so much last night, but I could really smell the pine trees. ngircd Home: - Find out what's going on with dad Done. Beaumont room 9486 248-898-9486 I called and Yvonne answered. Not clear at this point if they'll send him for the test he went in for today or not. I told him I'd call again tonight. - Finish python glue notes Done. Not too bad, but I still feel like Ruby fills this niche better. - Write one or two dungeon room description tweets No. Thanks to the suckless "rocks" page, I finally found an image viewer I like: sxiv. Called dad again. He's not going to get his test till next week, but they're keeping him in the hospital for a couple more days. Breakfast: mixed greens, lasagna, and coffee with half-and-half Lunch: a few raw nuts, iced chai tea Dinner: pot pie

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