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Thu Apr 21 11:14:09 EDT 2016
Slept from around ten to seven. Woke up once, just before five.
Rain. High of sixty-six.
- Manager meeting
- Rent increases
Mostly done.
- Work on B/X encounter analysis
Compiled Love2d instead.
- Grocery
Chromium doesn't know what to do with .doc files.
% xdg-mime default libreoffice-writer.desktop application/msword
This seems to just add an entry to `~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list`.
But this doens't totally solve the problem.
Ah. Chrome saves all files. There's no way to have it open a file type.
Man, Google has one idea of how they want chrome to work, and won't make any concessions to how users want their browser to work.
I got bitten in the ass again today by Google's refusal to add a warning when closing a window with multiple tabs.
I wish Firefox would get their shit together to solve their performance problems.
Ah, the download button has an option to always open files of this type. Not a useful as the Firefox open/save dialog, but better than nothing, I guess.
My foot/ankle is feeling mostly better.
Decided to install Lua Love2d. Dependencies:
# apt-get install lua5.3 libfreetype6-dev libopenal-dev libmodplug-dev libvorbis-dev libvorbisfile3 libtheora-dev libphysfs-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libmpg123-dev
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