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Mon Apr 18 07:51:10 EDT 2016 Slept from eleven-something to seven-something. Woke up once, around five. Sunny today, with a high of seventy-nine! Goals: Work: - Hazel Park No. - Review invoices Done. - Read about AWS storage Done. - instance storage (ephemeral) - EBS (block) - Must be in the same zone as the EC2 instance - Network-attached, so latency may be an issue - Larger instances get more network, which means better EBS r/w - S3 - Need not be in the same zone as the EC2 instance - AMIs (Amazon Machine Images, i.e. templates) can have either - Instance-based (ephemeral) root partition - EBS-backed root partition - Even EBS-backed AMIs don't preserve their root partition by default - EBS-backed AMI can be set to persist the root partition by deselecting Delete On Termination on the Add Storage page in the web console - Meet with CFO re 2016 project status Moved to tomorrow. - Order a couple of lightening cables/power supplies form Mr. H Done. Sneaked in a twenty minute walk before it got too hot. Saw three turkey vultures, several robins, and a female cardinal. A few of the trees have actual leaves! Mr. H is back in town. Home: - Remember to commit B/X encounter stuff Done. - Grocery

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