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Mon Jan 25 09:24:10 EST 2016 Slept fairly well, from around ten to seven. Partly sunny and thirty-seven today. The weather for the week is looking up, with highs near forty. Goals: Work: - Check out Windows kerberos tools Done. Looks like half the problems we had last time I delved into this were due to having a Windows 2000 domain. Shouldn't be an issue now. I may still want to review the service principle to user mapping under AD. - Play with OpenBSD vpn Done. May need to modify my plans. - Give Scott a to-do list for the couple of days I'm gone Twenty minute walk at lunch. Very pleasant day. Lots of the snow melted this morning. I saw three woodpeckers of two different species working in the vacant field on Duffy, past the fire station: a pair of downy woodpeckers and one red-bellied woodpecker. Also saw several robins and a blue jay. Doctor's office called. They've moved my appointment to Wednesday. Sigh. Home: - Go to bed not late Took another twenty minute walk when I got home from work. It's clouded up.

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