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Wed Dec 16 07:54:53 EST 2015
Went to sleep after midnight and woke up at seven.
Fifty-one and cloudy today, with a thirty percent chance of rain.
- Test cable modem at Central
- Work on remote access
- Update WN units
Fifteen-minute walk at lunch. Cloudy but not raining. I felt comfortably warm, having put the lining back in my jacket.
- Work on ipfw, and firm up ipfw NAT understanding
Turned on ipfw on blinky with basic rules
- Work on custom vim colors
- Shop at Target
- Fix weather
cat weather.txt | sed -n '/Temperature/p;/Sky/p;/Humidity/p'
Corrected cron job to:
30 * * * * curl -s http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/KVLL.TXT > ~/.weathercurl
And .zshrc line:
cat ~/.weathercurl | sed -n '/Temperature/p;/Sky/p;/Humidity/p' | cowsay -n
- Go to bed not late
Hm. There is a Debian hints fortune file, like the one on FreeBSD.
% sudo apt-get install fortunes-debian-hints
% fortune debian-hints
However, there don't seem to be very many hints in the file. Oh, well.
I think I need to look at GNU Stow again. Or just start using sym links to my dotfiles repo.
How is stow better than just symlinks?
Ah, I guess you don't need to remember to manually create the symlinks with stow.
- Why don't I get notified of new mail when I open a terminal (Debian)?
Not sure. zshoptions(1) for MAIL_WARNING looked promising, but does nothing.
This works:
echo "q" | mail | sed -n "2p" | awk '{ s = ""; for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) s = s $i " "; print s }'
- What involved in writing my own vim colorization file?
Not too much. Probably worth it for me to play with.
Show existing with `:highlight`.
Three sets of types for each setting: term, cterm, and gui.
Each type can be styled:
cterm and gui can be colored for fg and bg:
For gui, colors can be X11 color names or hex colors (#ffa0a0).
For cterm, colors are numeric:
We can store our color scheme file in ~/.vim/colors/
Colors can also be overridden in ~/.vimrc
The default color schemes are located in /usr/share/vim/vim74/colors
- WTF is with the Raspberry Pi not detecting the correct monitor mode?
It's been a long time since I've seen X fail to autoconfig.
Ah... Apparently it's in CEA mode by default, to be hooked up to a tv.
Edit `/boot/config.txt`:
# Set monitor mode to DMT
and reboot.
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