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Mon Nov 16 07:52:45 EST 2015 Went to bed around eleven, slept reasonably well, and woke up around seven. Sunny and sixty-two today. Nice. Scott will be back from his vacation today. Goals: Work: - Follow up on moving HZ demark Nope. - Prep for HZ vlans Done. Spent a big chunk of the morning fixing a Dovecot TLS problem that turned out to be mostly on the client side. Took a forty minute walk at lunch. Beautiful day. Saw a robin and several blue jays. Home: - Time to pull backup from Dreamhost? Done. - Check out golang A brief look. "Marcescence is the retention of dead plant organs that normally are shed. It is most obvious in deciduous trees that retain leaves through the winter. Several trees normally have marcescent leaves such as oak (Quercus), beech (Fagus) and hornbeam (Carpinus)."

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