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Wed Aug 26 08:32:48 EDT 2015 Went to bed around nine. Slept pretty well, although I woke up briefly around two. Got up before seven, before my alarm went off, feeling rested. Hmm. I wonder if I'm accidentally falling into a pattern of biphasic sleep? High of sixty-eight today with a chance of showers. These couple of days have been a nice break in temperature. By Friday, we're supposed to be back up to highs near eighty. Goals: Work: - Review invoices Done. - Order more multi-function printers Done. FL, HS, SH, TT, and WN. - Schedule September vacation? Done. Scheduled vacation for September 21-25. Home: - Clean out a shelf, cupboard or drawer - Work on C or C and ncurses Done. Started the project rogue-minimal. - Mail sympathy card to Tyners Done. Questions: - Why isn't mtr working as expected? Possibly I'm blocking it with iptables (or, more likely, responses). % sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 11 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT % sudo -s # iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 Fixed.

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