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Thu Jan 30 07:48:32 EST 2015
Slept OK.
I prepared the timed coffee maker last night rather than making coffee this morning. It was nice to wake up with coffee ready, and it saved time in the morning.
- Budget summary spreadsheet for CFO
No. I ended up spending a bunch of time on the bank integration instead.
- Credit line approved; order new servers!
No, I want to wait until Scott is here to get his input.
However, I *will* order RAM for the database server.
RAM ordered!
- Set up local backup.
When we do a backup, write a file recording when.
Run a periodic (hourly?) cron job to check that file. If the last backup was greater than N days, xmessage me to run the backup.
Good. I wrote the nag script, and set up the cron job.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# backupcheck
# A Python script to nag the user if a backup hasn't been done in N days.
# A cron job should run a nag script every few hours:
# m h dom mon dow command
# 59 * * * * /home/paulgorman/bin/backupcheck
# Paul Gorman, 30 January 2014
import subprocess
backupEveryNumberDays = 5
home = '/home/paulgorman/'
lastBackupFile = home + '.lastbackup'
message = 'Turn on the backup hard drive, then run: sudo /root/bin/backupexternal'
now = int(subprocess.check_output(['date', '+%s']))
f = open(lastBackupFile)
lastBackup = int(f.read())
if (now - lastBackup >= backupEveryNumberDays * 86400):
subprocess.check_output(['wall', message])
subprocess.check_output(['xmessage', message])
I still need to finish the script that mounts the external hard drive, and rsyncs to it.
I also need to format the drive itself.
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