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Mon Oct 19 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from ten-thirty to seven-thirty. Woke briefly around one-thirty. Cooler. Cloudy with a 50 percent chance of rain showers. Highs in the upper 40s. North winds up to 5 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- - 2 PM interview of Michael LaRue (second chance) No show again! - Install storage hardware Done. REMEMBER: - Shut down Storage before I lease (and Zol?) Done. - Change backup cartridge Done. - Take home most recent cartridge Done. - Take home laptop? Done. Thirty-minute walk at lunch. Rainy, gold and gray. Lots of fallen leaves. Saw a seagull, a pair of crows, and a quartet of geese. Went in to the office for an hour to install hard drives in Storage and Zol. ``` 1. Get the alignment parameters for your array (remember to replace sdb with the name of your device as seen by the kernel). # cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/optimal_io_size 1048576 # cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/minimum_io_size 262144 # cat /sys/block/sdb/alignment_offset 0 # cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/physical_block_size 512 2. Add optimal_io_size to alignment_offset and divide the result by physical_block_size. In my case this was (1048576 + 0) / 512 = 2048. 3. This number is the sector at which the partition should start. Your new parted command should look like mkpart primary 2048s 100% The trailing ‘s’ is important: it tells parted that you’re talking about sectors, not bytes or megabytes. 4. If all went well, the partition will have been created with no warnings. You can check the alignment thusly (replacing ‘1’ with the partition number if necessary): (parted) align-check optimal 1 1 aligned As I alluded to before, there are cases where this won’t work: if optimal_io_size is zero, for example ``` Home ---------------------------------------- Washed dishes. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: cucumber, banana, coffee Lunch: peach, egg and avocado wrap Dinner: cheese curls

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