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Sat Apr 4 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from eleven to seven. Partly sunny. A 40 percent chance of rain showers in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 50s. Southwest winds up to 10 mph. Received Instacart groceries. Been pushing off delivery because of the strike, but I forgot to reschedule yesterday. Feel like a madman washing my groceries. Twenty-minute walk in the afternoon. Overcast and slightly cool. Saw a pair of morning doves. Not many people out and about, but exchanged hellos to the pretty Asian neighbor with the dog. Played with some D&D stuff. Considered going insane. Cleaned the bathroom. Watched some anime. Watched a couple episodes of Unorthodox on Netflix. Michigan COVID-19 cases: 1,481 new; 14,225 total Deaths: 61 new, 540 total Total MI tests: 40,581 Michigan's rate of increase: 143% → 132% → 128% → 134% → 124% → 129% → 128% → 127% → 118% → 118% → 117% → 123% → 115% → 118% → 112% (today). Oakland country: 2,844 cases; 151 deaths Oakland country ranked 23# (#19 yesterday) globally. Oakland county new cases: 99 → 154 → 180 → 164 → 113 → 285 → 309 → 327 → 214 → 281 → 276 (today) Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 1/4, dairy 6/2, meat 1/3, nuts 1/0.5 Lunch: egg, cheese, tomato, pineapple, coffee Afternoon snack: rice and hummus Dinner: pizza -21 120/77

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