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Sun 12 May 2019 09:25:09 AM EDT Slept from midnight to seven-thirty without waking. High of fifty-four and rainy today. Goals: - Mother's day 10:30 AM at First Watch Done. - Drop off card for Yvonne Done. - Work on WoeDesk No. - Play with Castle Apehawk Ten-minute walk in the morning. Rained on me slightly. Lots of trees nearing full bloom. Hot pink crabapple flowers smell wonderful. Brunch with mom and Renny at First Watch. Twenty-minute walk in Star Park after I dropped off a card for Yvonne. Checked out the tiny train tracks. Watched/played Bandersnatch on Netflix. I liked it, although the interactivity features felt a bit superficial (thematically intentional?). The Colin Ritman character is significantly more interesting than Stefan, the protagonist. The LCD sequence is one of the better film representations. (Philip K. Dick poster!) Very good when Stefan resists the viewer's choice. The Netflix branch is funny. Chatted with Ed and Jay on Signal. Watched Drunken Master on Netflix. Not as entertaining as The Young Vagabond, but the step-mother was good. Finished watching the first season of Fangbone. Fun. Servings: grains 8/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 5/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: coffee, two eggs, potatoes, avocado, toast, fruit Lunch: pretzels, carrots, banana Dinner: salad, pasta 114/72

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