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Fri Sep 21 07:29:09 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to seven. Woke briefly around four-thirty. High of eighty-three today. 40% chance of rain. Work: - Change email address for Julie Done. - Work on redec floor plans Done. Home: - Revise ed notes - Doctor's appointment @ 1:30 PM (fast for at least five hours before) Peter A Lipson, 32255 Northwestern Hwy Suite 180, 248-355-0880 Done. I like Dr. Lipson. Physical went well overall; I don't appear to be dying any faster than anyone else. Blood pressure was a little high; no medication prescribed, but he wants to watch it. Otherwise, good. Got a flu shot. Stopped by Whole Foods on my way home. Breakfast: coffee, macaroni Lunch: nuts, coffee Dinner: chicken breast, Brussels sprouts 170/100

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