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Sun Jun 24 07:40:27 EDT 2018 Slept from midnight to seven without waking. High of seventy-seven today. 30% chance of thunderstorms. Goals: - Continue Docker notes Done. Put away dishes, tidied a little. > alternatives to a downspout. They are widely used in Japan. Their purpose is largely decorative, to make a water feature out of the transport of rainwater from the guttering downwards to a drain or to a storage container. Also, in winter, they'll form ice columns, rather than icicles that might fall on someone or rip off gutters. Wow, Gilliam's Don Quixote might finally make it to the screen. > Hitchcock said to Fast. “I’ve just seen Antonioni’s Blow-up. These Italian directors are a century ahead of me in terms of technique! What have I been doing all this time?” Started watching the second season of Luke Cage. The writing's a little weak. Lunch: coffee, left-over pizza Dinner: Chinese

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