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Sun Mar 18 09:23:48 EDT 2018 Slept from midnight to nine. Woke briefly around five. High of fifty-three(!) and sunny today. Goals: - Play D&D (noon at Scott's) No. - Explore possible chat solutions for online D&D - Erlang-based XMPP - Turnpike WAMP router is interesting - Go XMPP server - Oh, I was just looking at that the other day. Built on top of Matrix. - Get outside for a long walk Done. - Play some Night in the Woods No. Scott came down sick, and had to cancel hosting D&D at the last moment. (Matrix) could be good for chat-based D&D. It has private rooms. Can a conversation be exported? Not really. Not obviously, apart form copy/paste. How easy is writing a dice-rolling bot? Maybe not too hard? Washed dishes, Draino'd tub. Half-hour walk in the afternoon. Snow clings on in the shadows, but huge buds encrust many trees. Ventured briefly into Beverly Park. Heard a woodpecker drilling. Worked a little on a monitoring utility for use at work: ssh:// Lunch: coffee, chicken pot pie, carrots Dinner: Mexican

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