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Thu Dec 21 12:07:58 EST 2017 Slept from one to seven, read a bit of The Owl Service, then went back to sleep until eleven. High of thirty-four today. 20% chance of snow. Painted. Goals: - Work on SpinMPC A little. - Grocery (and buy wrapping paper) Done. The office holiday party is today at Craft Breww City, on 12 mile and Orchard Lake. Go? Been watching the second Season of Broadchurch, which I've found more engaging than the first. Went to the office Christmas party, and ended up staying several hours. Hung out mainly with Heather and Kristen and a bit with Bob. A pleasant evening. Stopped at Target on the way home to pick up a few groceries and wrapping paper. Lunch: coffee, lasagna Dinner: misc. Christmas party buffet, beer

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