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Fri Feb 5 07:22:30 EST 2016 Slept from about 10:30 to seven. Didn't wake during the night. Partly sunny today, with a high of thirty-eight. Spectacular orange, pink, and purple sunrise this morning. Goals: Work: - Work on thin clients No. - Start VOIP notes No. - Outline of a VOIP call - Components of Asterisk Home: - Get snakeoil ssl working Done. Something of a pain in the ass. See runbook. - Install ttrss in its own jail Done. Created jail. Crated sql user. Moved files into web root. Set up ssl. Configured nginx. Ended up upgrading from the FreeBSD php5 packages to php56. Also ended up upgrading ttrss itself. - Point git repos to new server Done. Created C Name for --- falstaff 12:41PM repo/dotfiles % git remote -v origin ssh:// (fetch) origin ssh:// (push) --- falstaff 12:43PM repo/dotfiles % git remote set-url origin ssh:// --- falstaff 12:44PM repo/dotfiles % git push Guess I'll need to do this for all repos. - Set up ttrss cron job Old: */54 * * * * cd /home/paulgorman/www/ && /usr/local/bin/php-5.4 /home/paulgorman/www/ --feeds >/dev/null 2>&1 */54 * * * * cd /usr/local/www/ttrss && /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/ttrss/update.php --feeds >/dev/null 2>&1 Hmm. I did not know that root can edit a user's crontab with, for example: # crontab -u www -e Fully switched over to Digital Ocean. Now editing these diary files on the new vm. I also set up backups. More thoughts on Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens - For a 135 minute movie, it felt short. No problems with pacing. - Apart from one or two brief moments, the cgi never distractingly called it self out as cgi. - Some of the visual effects were striking, like the snow shaking off the firing cannon. - The cinematography was excellent. - Unlike the spate of interchangeable and undeveloped villains in the prequels, Kylo Ren has some character. He's a better antagonist. - The movie spends a lot of its time pandering to fans of the original trilogy in, I imagine, an effort to rebuild the trust in the franchise damaged by the prequels. This is probably a good move, and one that mostly worked on me, but it leaves little screen time for Force Awakens to develop a distinct plot of its own. - The bit at the end where Leia and Rey hug couldn't be any more plain than if Leia had literally handed a torch to Rey. It makes little sense in-story, particularly since they embrace immediately afterLeia passes by her good friend Chewbacca, ignoring him. - I liked it overall. It did its job with me. I'm glad I went to see it in the theater. - If it wasn't a Star Wars movie, I'd probably view it as fun but somewhat forgettable. It's no Fury Road. Thai food for lunch. Catfish. Bought lunch for Karina too. Questions: - Sometimes, when an ssh session ends, particularly after I wake my workstation from suspend, the terminal hangs. Solutions? Try "ENTER~.". The ssh man page lists it as the escape sequence. - Any way around the trailing whitespace when copying from vim in a terminal to gvim? Interesting. "vi" on FreeBSD in the terminal works as desired when I copy from it. Starting vim with `vim -u NONE`, which tells it not to use .vimrc, exhibits the desired behaviour. Clearly, this problem is caused by some feature I'm turning on. Found. The culprit is colorcolumn. I took colorcolumn out of my .vimrc. I also added: nmap <Leader>h :set hlsearch!<CR> nmap <Leader>n :set nu! rnu!<CR> - Why "Charlie" Root? I can't find a definitive explanation. Possibly in reference to the famous baseball player.

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