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Wed Jan 21 08:09:01 EST 2015 Slept pretty well. Some snow. Roads may not be great. Goals: Work: - Finish the damn 2015 projects document Not done, but significant progress - Work on a diagram of our new network design Done. I'm sure there will be a few tweaks. Home: - Continue OpenBSD notes Nope. - Continue systemd notes Yes. Made some notes about cgroups. Questions: - Is there any way to avoid the extra trailing spaces when copying from a terminal (maybe only in vim?)? The issue is specifically with urxvt (or xterm) and vim. The `selection-autotransform` mentioned on Reddit looked promising, but didn't work. The man pages don't seem to explain anything about it either. I may have to live with `s/\s\+$//g` In my going quest to find out why fancontrol starts with higher RPMs after wake from sleep than after boot, I found the systemd service file for fancontrol: --- 654 --- bava systemd $ cat /etc/systemd/system/ [Unit] Description=fan speed regulator # Run pwmconfig to create this file. ConditionPathExists=/etc/fancontrol After=lm-sensors.service Documentation=man:fancontrol(8) man:pwmconfig(8) [Service] ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/fancontrol --check ExecStart=/usr/sbin/fancontrol PIDFile=/var/run/ [Install] --- 655 --- bava systemd $ ll /etc/systemd/system/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Jan 14 22:13 /etc/systemd/system/ -> /lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service

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