Python3 Refresher (2023)

Virtual Environments

When starting a Python project, create a virtul environment to avoid various problems like conflicting global library versions. Activate the virtual environment.

🐚 $ mkdir my-python-project
🐚 $ python3 -m venv ./my-python-project/venv
🐚 $ cd my-python-project/
🐚 $ ls venv/
bin             include         lib             pyvenv.cfg
🐚 $ source venv/bin/activate
(my-python-project) 🐚 $ 
(my-python-project) 🐚 $ deactivate
🐚 $ 

Remember to add venv/ to .gitignore.

(On Windows, activate the virtual environment with venv\Scripts\activate.)

Package Management

Manage packages with pip.

(Browse packages in the default repository at

🐚 $ source bin/activate
(my-python-project) 🐚 $ pip install -U Flask
Collecting Flask
  Downloading flask-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.6 kB)
Installing collected packages: MarkupSafe, itsdangerous, click, blinker, Werkzeug, Jinja2, Flask
Successfully installed Flask-3.0.0 Jinja2-3.1.2 MarkupSafe-2.1.3 Werkzeug-3.0.1 blinker-1.7.0 click-8.1.7 itsdangerous-2.1.2
(my-python-project) 🐚 $ 

A requirements.txt file is helpful both to document the required packages our project uses and to install the requirements (i.e., if we or someone else starts working on the project in a new environment):


This requirements.txt file can be used by Pip to install the required packages:

🐚 $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Variable Scope

Variables are classified with a scope that Python sets when a variable is first assigned a value.

Python variable scopes are, from inner to outer: local to a function, within the enclosing function, global (module) scope, and finally built-in scope. These scope rules are sometimes described with the mnemonic “LEGB” (Local, Enclosing, Global, Built-In).

Python searches scopes from the inside/smallest/narrowest to the outside/largest/widest. Variables in narrower scopes will (by default) mask variables in wider scopes.

The global and nonlocal keywords can override the default scoping.

There’s no truly global scope β€” “global” variables are contained in the namespace of their module.

These scope rules apply only to variables (my_variable) not object attributes (myObject.myAttribute).

>>> import builtins
>>> dir(builtins)

There are also three other scopes: temporary loop variables in some comprehensions, exception reference variables in some try handlers, and local scopes in class statements.


Every Python file is its own module.

Comments, Docstrings and PyDoc

# starts a comment, anywhere in a line.

PyDoc is the Python documentation tool. It reads docstrings in code and outputs documentation.

This is the docstring introducing this module.
Details, details….

def double(n):
	"""This docstring summarizes the function's purpose and does NOT just reiterate the function signature. """
	return 2 * n


Python adds docstrings it finds to the __doc__ attribute of corresponding objects. If we save the above code the file, we can:

🐚 $ python
>>> import docstringsTest
>>> print(docstringsTest.__doc__)
>>> print(docstringsTest.double.__doc__)

(See also PEP 257 for docstring conventions.)


There is a Style Guide for Python Code.

Static Analysis

Pylint is a popular linter that can be installed by Pip.

🐚 $ pylint
