Perl 6 ====== On debian: `apt-get install rakudo`. Perl 6 does not appear to be available in the FreeBSD 10.2 ports collection. The downloads page describes building from source ( Try 'hello.p6': #!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; say "Hello, Perl 6"; "Hello, Perl 6, object-oriented style".say # A single line comment #`{{ A multi- line comment. }} Unlike Perl 5, method calls use a dot instead of ->, like: $foo.color Unlike Perl 5, sigils are now invariable. This is huge. @array = [0, 3, 7]; @array[2]; # 7 Reading a file into an array: my @lines = "file.txt".IO.lines; Strict mode and warnings are on by default in Perl 6. Since strict is in effect, variables are declared with 'my' for lexical local scope: my $x = 'foo'; say "My x is $x."; ('say' is like 'print', but appends a platform-appropriate newline.) To get user input, use 'prompt', which does 'say', reads STDIN, and chomps: my $answer = prompt "What the answer, fool? "; Parens in Perl 6 are only for group, so a simple 'if' doesn't need them: if $answer == 'daffodil' { say "Yes!"; } We have multi-line comments. Any kind of bracket works following the #`. #`( A long comment. ) Basic variable types: my $scalar = 'Foo'; say $scalar; my @list = ('a', 'b', 'c'); say @list[1]; say @list[@list.end]; my %hash = ('red' => 'apple', 'yellow' => 'banana'); say %hash{'yellow'}; my @colors = %hash.keys; my @fruits = %hash.values; ## Links ##