set nocompatible syntax off " Don't colorize set background=dark set t_Co=8 " Set color depth (8, 16, 256) set nospell " Don't highlight spelling errors set mouse= set ignorecase " Ignore case during search set smartcase " Be case sensitive if mixed-case search term set incsearch " Search as typed so far set showmatch " Show matching bracket set wildmenu " Enhanced command completion set tabstop=4 " One tab equals four... no, eight spaces (existing code) set shiftwidth=4 " Tab width in normal mode (autoindent or >>) set softtabstop=4 " Tab width in insert mode set noexpandtab " Convert tabs into spaces? set smarttab " Delete shiftwidth at start of line (not single spaces) set autoindent " Automatic indent set nosmartindent " Don't auto indent new lines set backspace=indent,eol,start " Allow backspace over autoindents & linebreaks set listchars=tab:│\ ,extends:→,trail:· set nohlsearch nocursorline nonu nornu nolist nmap h :set hlsearch! cursorline! nmap n :set nu! rnu! list! set statusline=%m\ \%F\ %r%y%=col\ %v\ line\ %l\/%L\ %p%% set laststatus=2 " Always show status line set noerrorbells " Don't beep at me set visualbell " Don't beep on error set viminfo='500,f1,<200,:200,@200,/200,s20,h " :help 21.3 set hidden " Switch buffers without saving AND without discarding changes. set autochdir " Change working dir to dir of edited file set nojoinspaces " Only one space between sentences of joined lines! filetype on " Detect filetype filetype plugin on " Load plugins for detected filetype filetype indent on " Filetype specific autoindent