Tue Mar 12 06:00:01 EDT 2024 ======================================== Slept from eleven to eight. Woke around three and laid awake until at least five. Not as cool. Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 60s. Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph. # Work * 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CTO demand team sync * 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM DAMS technical requirements with Don Charron (BA) * 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM IIPA sprint zero planning * 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM LMR dispatch notional architecture * 04:30 Pm - 05:00 PM CTO all solution architects call Hmm, so it's kind of possible to install Rust on Windows without admin permissions, assuming Git or something has installed the MINGW64 build tools. ...After running `rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`. # Home * [ ] help Matt G. with his dice probabilities * [ ] rebuild personal VM (RHEL EOL June 2024) * [ ] car oil change * [ ] schedule dentist appointment * [ ] schedule optometrist appointment Read more of The Honjin Murders. Servings: grains 2/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 1/2, meat 1/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: left-over slider, coffee Brunch: banana Lunch: ramen with vegetables Afternoon snack: Dinner: