Thu Mar 30 06:00:02 EDT 2023 ======================================== Slept from ten-forty-five to seven. Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 40s. South winds 5 to 10 mph. # Work * 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM CTO standup * 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Low code recommendation discussion * 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Solution architecture review * 02:30 PM - 03:00 PM What is IT check-in * 05:00 PM - 05:30 PM Interview with Mical # Home * [ ] taxes!!! by April 18 * [ ] schedule AWS cert exam * [ ] play with text-based (Gemini?) D&D hex thing * [ ] work on CC 0e D&D reference rules * [ ] spell list (old to new) * [ ] monster list (old to new) * [ ] magic item list (old to new) * [ ] schedule dentist appointment * [ ] PenFed * [ ] transfer funds from old savings account ( * [ ] get backup credit card * [ ] money market? * [ ] schedule optometrist appointment * [ ] play with Go web base Read more of Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead. Walked for fifteen minutes in the afternoon. Sunny but chilly. Saw lots of robins and a turkey vulture. Well, that Trump indictment was too long in coming. Chatted on Signal with Jay and Ed for a while. Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 3/2, meat 2/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: left-over Thai, coffee Brunch: apple Lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwich Afternoon snack: popcorn Dinner: pizza