Tue Mar 7 06:00:02 EST 2023 ======================================== Slept from ten to six-thirty. Woke very briefly a couple times in the night. Mostly sunny. Highs around 40. North winds 5 to 15 mph. # Work * 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CTO standup * 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM oil and gas discussion (DMND0001552) * 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Cynerge interview for geospatial architect * 02:00 PM - 02:30 PM Low code team meeting * 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM Interview with Ram (Webex) * 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM Geospatial architect interview # Home * [ ] renew car tabs (in person at SoS!!) * [ ] work on CC 0e D&D reference rules * [ ] spell list (old to new) * [ ] monster list (old to new) * [ ] magic item list (old to new) * [ ] schedule dentist appointment * [ ] PenFed * [ ] transfer funds from old savings account (http://www.citizensbank.com/HSBC) * [ ] get backup credit card * [ ] schedule optometrist appointment * [ ] schedule AWS cert exam Read more of Charmed Life. Washed dishes, took out trash. https://womenofixd.com/ray-eames > The Eameses also became known for designing exhibitions and co-directed over 175 short films, slide shows, and multimedia presentations. They ranged in topic from the world of Franklin and Jefferson to advanced mathematical explanations to the scientific exploration of scale in the “Powers of Ten.” The exploration into film helped them explore an idea, work out the presentation and the layers of information and understand a process or theory. The Eameses often carried an idea through multiple versions in order to find the right approach to a problem. https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/eames/images/vce3.jpg Received the copies of Old-School Essentials I ordered. The physical books are nice quality. Started playing with Tic-80 a little. Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: banana, carrots, coffee, steak sandwich Lunch: steak sandwich Dinner: ramen