Tue Oct 4 06:00:01 EDT 2022 ======================================== Slept from ten to five-thirty without waking. Sunny. Highs around 70. Northwest winds up to 5 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- CTO standup, ELMS "alternatives of analysis" call, Box migration call, work on e-signature. Tried the new deli at the Crowfoot Ballroom. Not bad. They've hung cool show posters in the seating area. Home ---------------------------------------- Fifteen-minute walk at lunch. Sunny, not hot. Servings: grains 2/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 1/4, dairy 1/2, meat 1/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: ramen with broccoli and sausage, coffee, banana Lunch: corn chips, half a Ruben sandwich Afternoon snack: Dinner: