Wed Aug 10 06:00:01 EDT 2022 ======================================== Slept from eleven to six-thirty. Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. West winds up to 10 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- Weekly cloud foundations call, work on BI paper, esignature call with ORMS. Home ---------------------------------------- Read part of Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. Love Borges' nested fictions and citations of an imaginary critics. Troubling mirrors and transparent tigers! Cleaned kitchen. Watched Kong: Skull Island. Pretty good. Could have played up the Ahab, white whale angle a bit more. Chatted a bit with Jay and Ed on Signal. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 3/2, meat 1/3, nuts 3/0.5 Breakfast: banana, cucumber, bean burrito Lunch: two veggie burgers Afternoon snack: Dinner: Thai -7