Thu Apr 14 06:00:02 EDT 2022 ======================================== Slept from ten to six without waking. Breezy, cooler. Mostly sunny until late afternoon then becoming partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 50s. West winds 10 to 25 mph shifting to the southwest 20 to 25 mph in the afternoon. Gusts up to 45 mph increasing to 50 mph in the afternoon. Work ---------------------------------------- Loads of meetings today. AWS migration readiness assessment for FAM/FIT, CTO standup, Box/OneDrive call, etc. Home ---------------------------------------- - [x] take out trash - [ ] set up a personal EC2 instance to test using a CLI dev environment? Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Sunny and windy. Saw a turkey vulture. Saw the big groundhog in the courtyard at Somerset when I got home. Got a little more than half way through This Is How They Tell Me the World Will End before my library loan expired. Started reading Scalzi's The Kaiju Preservation Society. > Motherbaugh: Brian [Eno] was great to work with because he let us do what we wanted. I mean, Eno and Bowie would go back in the evening and add stuff to our songs, like Tibetan monkey chants, some of which we used but mostly we didn’t. > > Is it true that you wrote a song using a washing machine as the rhythm section? CanMeckie > > Casale: I played guitar to my mother’s machine – it had this sorta kerchunk-kerchunk rhythm. > > Mothersbaugh: Before drum machines we’d write songs sitting in the car to the rhythm of the windshield wipers. Our first drummer, Jim Mothersbaugh, was a circuit bender and he invented the precursor to electronic drums. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 3/4, dairy 0/2, meat 3/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: banana, coffee, naan sandwich with egg and cucumber Lunch: small hamburger, potato, Cappuccino Dinner: orange, Chinese