Tue Jan 4 06:00:01 EST 2022 ======================================== Slept from ten to five, without waking. Mostly sunny early in the morning then becoming partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 30s. South winds 5 to 15 mph. # Work Went in to office. :( * ✓ reply to Russell Murer at Village Squire about Yealink passwords * ✓ investigate users with wrong address * ✓ follow up on new fiber connection * ✓ confirm rent billing date for Amanda * ✓ change backup media? * ✓ investigate January charges possibly not auto-posting for some residents * give Carmen read-only access to old H&T properties in Entrata * configure Contact Points for each property * update resident portal URL on non-compliance letter An AT&T tech showed up today to install our new fiber circuit. Thirty-five-minute walk at lunch. # Home * run Bava backup # HyR-22 I had put away the idea of making a link bookmarking thing when I found Pinboard. However, Pinboard doesn't have a couple features I'd really like, and I've have had some ideas I'd like to try out. I'll brainstorm about it for a while, anyhow. Thoughts: * Each user gets their own SQLite database. * There's one system-wide authentication database. * Have a service that gets send any new URL added by any user for the last _N_ hours, and keep a popularity count. * Have a comments database for popular links? * Let any registered free user post comments on popular links, but only paid users can save links? * Ideally, apps for Android and iOS to save links, share links, and read and post comments on popular links. * Delicious-compatible API (Is this still valuable? What integrates with it?) * For an non-trivial fetching/crawling we do, do it from an anonymous, burnable IP address. * A search engine that only indexes sites people have linked to (more than once?). Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 3/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: coffee, banana, naan, egg, avocado Lunch: Clif bar Dinner: carrots, frozen pizza 128/80