Mon Jan 3 06:00:01 EST 2022 ======================================== Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty. Woke briefly a couple times in the night. Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 20s. Northwest winds up to 5 mph shifting to the southwest in the late morning and afternoon. Lowest wind chill readings 6 below to 4 above zero in the morning. # Work Since the Beacon people have today off, I decided to work from home. * ✓ follow up on fiber outage * ✓ give Amanda permissions to edit Entrata templates * ✓ help Moshe with invoices in Entrata * ✓ reconfigure ring groups, IVR's, inbound routes in FreePBX for all properties * ✓ change VS to use new maintenance answering service * ✓ add leasing agents as property contacts in Entrata * NO. configure Contact Points for each property * NO. update resident portal URL on non-compliance letter Fifty-minute walk at lunch. Cold, but comfortable in my parka. Sunny, and extra brightness reflected off yesterday's snow. Somerset is good about shoveling sidewalks. # Home * ✓ reply to interview request The second job I applied for (SSG) has also asked me for an interview. I'm two for two. I mean, it will be great to get a job offer, but I'm starting feel pretty good about my resume, anyhow. Vacuumed. > 1. “In Fargo, Carl says ‘30 minutes, Jerry, we wrap this thing up’ when there are exactly 30 minutes of the movie remaining.” > 2. There’s a Boeing 747 cargo plane that’s used exclusively for horse transportation nicknamed Air Horse One. > 7. America’s anti-democratic Senate, in one number. “Once Warnock and Ossoff take their seats, the Democratic half of the Senate will represent 41,549,808 more people than the Republican half.” > 8. The first rap video shown on MTV was Rapture by Blondie. > 23. There are only 25 blimps in the whole world. > 34. Skinny bike tires are not faster than wider tires. “The increased vibrations of the narrower tires caused energy losses that canceled out the gains from the reduced flex.” > 50. “About one in five health-care workers [in the US] has left medicine since the pandemic started.” > But 70 million years ago, along the Rio Grande River in Texas, a more impressive and scarier creature stalked the marshes: the 12-foot-tall pterosaur known as Quetzalcoatlus. With a 37- to 40-foot wingspan, it was the largest flying animal that ever lived on Earth. Servings: grains 2/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 1/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: coffee, banana, cucumber salad, two hot dogs Afternoon snack: banana Dinner: 130/79