Tue Dec 28 06:00:01 EST 2021 ======================================== Slept from seven-thirty to eleven-thirty, then again from one-thirty to five-thirty. (Evening nap experiment for increased evening productivity failed.) Chance of snow early in the afternoon. Snow early in the evening. Accumulations around an inch. Highs in the mid 30s. West winds up to 10 mph shifting to the southeast in the afternoon. Chance of snow near 100 percent. Work ---------------------------------------- Drove in to office. A couple people here today, but none of the Beacon people. * ✓ tweak move-out statement for Carmen * ✓ remove old Icinga notes Randy missed * ✓ follow up on possibly not hyperlinked invoices on dashboard * ✓ follow up on utility invoice pay-to address with Kari * ✓ follow up with Becky about automatic late fees? * ✓ follow up on Solar vendor issue * ✓ ask Heather about Lisa Guinn's Entrata renewal issue * ✓ set utility billing address for each property in Entrata * ✓ follow up on Entrata API permissions (ePremium) * ✓ If Canon can't fix the main office copier email issue, ask Meir what he wants to do * ✓ set out of office * ✓ configure, turn on auto late fees * configure Contact Points for each property Slack to Randy: > Have you kept track of which/how many printers are limited to thirty-two-character passwords? I think I'm going to kick that issue up to Meir --- whether he wants to replace the devices, or set the password to a smaller value. Fourteen printers, including the two main office copiers. Thirty-five-minute walk at lunch. Cloudy and cold, but not wet at least. Home ---------------------------------------- * ✓ log in to Dayforce, find vacation balance, and use vacation, if possible, or lose it by the end of the year * ✓ add Roth IRA 2021 contributions * ✓ 401k (800-835-5097) — roll over balance, and set contribution amount Trying to roll over the 401k through Fidelity was extremely painful, even from one Fidelity account to another Fidelity account. Transferred around. Long hold times, hung up on once. Bad experience. Once I got the right guy on the phone, it went smoothly. Wish this could be done through the web site. The transfer may take three days to complete. Submitted a vacation request to take the rest of the week off. And Meir approved it! Vacuumed, washed dishes, unclogged sink drain. https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/12/nifty-biomechanics-of-adorable-water-bears-lumbering-gait-may-inspire-microrobots/ > When they were just strolling around, the water bears generally moved at a rate of about half a body length per second, increasing to two body lengths per second when they loped at full throttle. The team was surprised to note that the water bears did not have distinct gaits for each speed, like horses as they transition from a walk to a gallop. Rather, their locomotion closely resembled that of insects and arthropods, scurrying along faster and faster with no change to the basic step pattern. Servings: grains 2/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 1/4, dairy 2/2, meat 1/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: coffee, banana, cucumber, chicken sandwich Dinner: