Tue Nov 23 06:00:01 EST 2021 ======================================== Slept from eleven to six-thirty without waking. Sunny. Highs in the upper 30s. West winds 5 to 15 mph. # Work * ✓ restrict Entrata testing permissions for Beacon/Lightstone users, email ekugler * work on Entrata lease backups No. A busy day, despite not getting much work done on the tasks I'd planned to do. # Home * ✓ work on backups * ✓ 11 AM pick up groceries * ✓ 7 PM pick up groceries (forgot butter) Twenty-minute walk after work. Dark and cold, though not bitterly cold. Chatted with Ed a bit on Signal. https://paulgorman.org/technical/linux-workstation-backup.txt.html It occurs to me that the trope of unknown chess grand master (which crops up a lot, like in rumors of people running into Bobby Fisher in online chess games) is a variation of the "god in disguise tests if you're a hospitable person" archetype. End of Support for Firefox Lockwise https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29321796 Booo! > in settings, logins and passwords, there are two toggles, one to allow Firefox to fill in passwords for web pages, and one to allow Firefox to fill in passwords for other sites, which takes you to the Android password manager selection section. Hmm. Servings: grains 2/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 0/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0.5/0.5 Brunch: potato chips Lunch: banana, coffee Afternoon snack: ramen with sausage and avocado Dinner: chicken, potatoes, green beans